From the recording I Brought the War with Me

Brave men and women from the Albuquerque, New Mexico organization Full Battle Rattle -- veterans of the Middle East wars and their spouses -- told me some of their experiences at war and after coming back home. This song draws on those conversations. 


I BROUGHT THE WAR WITH ME                                  
My mind is a worn out hotel
But every room’s full every night of the year
I really wish I could invite you all in
But there’s no space for any more here
Everything I lived through in Iraq
Inside and outside of the wire
Lives in my head – wells up in my heart
Gnawing, unquenchable fire
Most of the time I can hold it at bay
Make folks who don’t know me believe I’m OK
I never faced battle completely alone
Till I brought the war with me when I came back home
Innocent trash on the roadside for you
Is a reason to panic for me
Some loser got lazy you figure
I figure it looks like a damn I.E.D.
Must have used up all that courage I had
Over there fighting the war
Back home now lying in my own bed
Can’t walk out my own front door
But most of the time I can hold it at bay
Make folks who don’t know me believe I’m OK
I never faced battle completely alone
Till I brought the war with me when I came back home
I honor my brothers and sisters who fight
We rally to each other’s need
But there is no honor among politicians
Who think every wound has to bleed
I never faced battle completely alone
Till I brought the war with me when I came back home
C. Daniel Boling – guitar and vocal
Ali Mohammad - changg and shank
Shakoor Fakir - kamacho
(traditional instruments of Pakistan)